Month: January 2022


Introduction: In the world of tea, authenticity and freshness matter. At Zircon Tea Company, we take pride in providing tea enthusiasts with a direct supply from tea gardens and factories. Join us in this journey of discovering the finest teas, sourced straight from the origin. Buy Tea Direct From Tea Garden Or Tea Factory

Buy Tea

Zircon Tea Company: Your Gateway to Authentic Tea

Why Choose Direct Supply?

Sourcing tea directly from gardens and factories offers a host of benefits, including:

  • Uncompromised Freshness: Skip the middlemen and enjoy teas at their freshest.
  • Quality Assurance: Witness the tea-making process firsthand, ensuring quality and authenticity.
  • Customised Selection: Request specific grades, blends, or processing methods tailored to your preference.

Our Process: From Garden to Cup

  1. Scouting Reputable Gardens and Factories:
    • We meticulously select gardens and factories known for their quality and ethical practises.
  2. Establishing Relationships:
    • Building strong relationships with growers and artisans allows us to offer the best selections.
  3. Sampling and tasting:
    • We personally taste and evaluate each batch to ensure it meets our stringent standards.
  4. Transparent Sourcing:
    • We believe in transparency. Know exactly where your tea comes from and how it’s produced.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: What types of teas are available through Zircon Tea Company’s direct supply? Answer: We offer a wide range, including green tea, black tea, white tea, and specialty blends.

Q2: Can I visit the gardens or factories before making a purchase? Answer: While we do not facilitate visits, we ensure our sourcing partners meet our strict quality standards.

Q3: Are there specific seasons for buying fresh tea directly from gardens? Answer: Yes, certain seasons, known as flushes, yield the freshest tea leaves. Inquire about the best times for purchasing.

Q4: Can I request specific processing methods for my tea order? Answer: Yes, many of our sourcing partners accommodate special processing requests to meet your preferences.

Contact Information

For inquiries and to explore our exquisite tea selections, reach out to us:

Join the Tea Journey

Follow us on social media for more insights into the world of tea:

#ZirconTea #TeaSupplyDirect #TeaFromSource

Discover a world of authentic tea sourcing with Zircon Tea Company. Enjoy direct supply from tea gardens and factories, ensuring unparalleled freshness and quality. Visit for premium teas. Contact us at 9499347308 or email Join the tea conversation on social media with hashtags #TeaSupplyDirect, #ZirconTeaCompany, and #TeaFromSource.


Introduction: India’s organic tea industry is rooted in principles of sustainability and purity. In this blog post, we delve into the core principles that govern the production of organic tea in the country.

Organic Tea

Principles Of Organic Tea In India

**1. Natural Cultivation Methods

Organic tea is cultivated using natural methods, avoiding synthetic chemicals or pesticides. This ensures the tea is free from harmful residues, promoting both environmental health and the well-being of tea drinkers.

2. Biodiversity Conservation

Tea gardens that adhere to organic principles often implement biodiversity conservation measures. This includes preserving native flora and fauna and creating a balanced ecosystem within the tea garden.

3. Soil Health and Fertility

Maintaining soil health is fundamental. Organic gardens focus on practises like composting, crop rotation, and green manuring to enhance soil fertility naturally.

4. Water Conservation

Sustainable water management is crucial. Organic tea gardens often employ techniques like rainwater harvesting and efficient irrigation methods to conserve this vital resource.

5. Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Rather than resorting to chemicals, organic tea gardens use IPM techniques. This involves natural pest control methods like introducing beneficial insects or using companion planting.

6. Fair Treatment of Workers

Organic tea gardens prioritise fair wages, safe working conditions, and social benefits for their workers. This ensures a thriving and motivated workforce.

7. Certification and Verification

To be recognised as truly organic, tea gardens go through a rigorous certification process. This is usually carried out by accredited organizations that verify compliance with organic standards.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Are organic teas more expensive than conventionally grown teas? Answer: Yes, due to the meticulous cultivation methods, organic teas tend to be slightly pricier. However, the benefits they offer in terms of health and sustainability outweigh the cost.

Q2: Is all organic tea pesticide-free? Answer: Yes, organic teas are produced without synthetic pesticides. Instead, natural methods of pest control are employed.

Q3: How can I verify if a tea is truly organic? Answer: Look for certifications from recognised organic certifying bodies. These labels indicate that the tea meets strict organic standards.

Q4: Are organic teas better for the environment? Answer: Yes, organic tea production promotes biodiversity, conserves water, and avoids the use of harmful chemicals, making it more environmentally friendly.

Q5: Where can I find premium organic teas in India? Answer: Explore a curated selection of premium organic teas at

Contact Information

For inquiries about our premium organic teas and sustainable practises, reach out to us:

#ZirconOrganicTeas #SustainableTeaIndia #OrganicTeaPrinciples

Discover the essence of organic tea production in India. Learn about sustainable practises that make a difference. Find premium organic teas at For inquiries, contact us at 9499347308 or email Join the conversation on social media with hashtags #OrganicTeaIndia, #ZirconOrganicTeas, and #SustainableTeaIndia.


Introduction: Understanding how tea is valued and priced in India is essential for both connoisseurs and those in the tea trade. This blog post unravels the complexities of this process. Tea Valuation And Tea Price In India

Tea Price

Tea Valuation and Price In India

Factors Influencing Tea Prices

  1. Quality and Grade:
    • The quality and grade of tea leaves significantly impact their valuation. Higher grades, like whole leaf or fine dust, often command higher prices.
  2. Flushes and Seasons:
    • Different flushes (periods of growth) yield teas with varying flavour profiles. First-flush teas, for example, are prized for their delicate flavours and often command premium prices.
  3. Origin and Region:
    • Teas from specific regions or gardens, known for their unique terroir, can fetch higher prices due to their distinct characteristics.
  4. Processing Methods:
    • How tea is processed, whether it’s black, green, or oolong, plays a crucial role in its valuation. Specialised techniques can add value to the final product.
  5. Certifications and Organic Status:
    • Certified organic teas and those with specific certifications (like Fair Trade or Rainforest Alliance) often have higher valuations due to their sustainable and ethical production.
  6. Market Demand:
    • The law of supply and demand also applies to the tea market. Teas that are in high demand, either domestically or internationally, can fetch higher prices.

Understanding Auctions and Pricing Mechanisms

In India, a significant portion of tea is sold through auctions. Auctions provide a transparent platform for buyers and sellers to determine fair prices based on the quality and demand for a particular batch of tea.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Are expensive teas always of better quality? Answer: Not necessarily. While higher-priced teas often indicate better quality, personal preference also plays a significant role. A tea’s value is subjective.

Q2: Why do certain regions produce more expensive teas? Answer: Factors like climate, altitude, and soil composition contribute to the unique flavours of teas from specific regions, influencing their valuation.

Q3: Can I buy premium teas directly from the source? Answer: Yes, at, we offer a curated selection of premium teas sourced from reputable gardens and factories.

Q4: How do certifications affect tea pricing? Answer: Certified teas often have higher valuations due to the rigorous standards they must meet, ensuring quality, sustainability, and ethical production.

Q5: Is there an optimal time to buy tea at the best price? Answer: Prices can vary depending on flushes and market conditions. It’s beneficial to monitor trends and make purchases accordingly.

Contact Information

For inquiries about tea valuation or to explore our premium tea selections, reach out to us:

Dive into the intricate world of tea valuation and pricing in India. Uncover the factors that influence tea prices. Discover premium teas at For inquiries, contact us at 9499347308 or email

#TeaValuationIndia, #TeaPricingInsights #ZirconTeaValuation.


Introduction: Family Tea Blend is not just a beverage; it’s a tradition that brings loved ones together. In this blog post, we delve into the heartwarming world of this special blend, perfect for creating cherished moments. How To Make Family Tea Blend.

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Embracing Togetherness with Family Tea Blend

Unveiling Family Tea Blend

Family Tea Blend is a carefully crafted infusion that caters to diverse taste preferences within a family. Its harmonious blend of flavours ensures that everyone finds their perfect cup.

Key Characteristics of Family Tea Blend

  1. Balanced Flavour Profile:
    • Family Tea Blend strikes a perfect balance between strength and smoothness, appealing to a wide range of palates.
  2. Versatility in Brewing
    • Whether you prefer a robust morning brew or a milder afternoon sip, Family Tea Blend adapts beautifully to various brewing styles.
  3. A Tea for Every Generation:
    • From elders who appreciate the depth of flavour to youngsters who prefer a milder taste, Family Tea Blend caters to all age groups.
  4. Moments to cherish:
    • Sharing a cup of Family Tea Blend creates moments of togetherness, providing an opportunity for meaningful conversations and connections.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Can I customise the strength of my Family Tea Blend? Answer: Absolutely! Adjust the brewing time and tea-to-water ratio to achieve your desired strength.

Q2: What makes Family Tea Blend special for gatherings? Answer: Its balanced flavor profile ensures that it pleases a wide audience, making it perfect for family gatherings and reunions.

Q3: Can I enjoy Family Tea Blend with milk or lemon? Answer: Certainly! Family Tea Blend is versatile and can be enjoyed with milk, lemon, or as per your preference.

Q4: Is Family Tea Blend available in different packaging sizes? Answer: Yes, you can choose from various packaging options to suit your family’s consumption preferences.

Q5: How can I order Family Tea Blend? Answer: Visit to explore and place your order for this special blend. For assistance, contact us at 9499347308 or email

Contact Information

For inquiries about Family Tea Blend or to explore our extensive tea collection, reach out to us:

Experience the warmth of the Family Tea Blend. Share moments, create memories, and cherish togetherness. Get yours at For inquiries, contact us at 9499347308 or email

#FamilyTeaBlend #ZirconFamilyBlend #TeaTradition.